Corporate Wellness: Provider Cancellation Policy
  • 22 Jan 2024
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Corporate Wellness: Provider Cancellation Policy

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Article summary

Ensuring the success of our Provider Network is paramount at Soothe. We will enforce the following policy for all Providers who accept Corporate Wellness Appointments.

TardiesEarly CancellationsLate Cancellations
1: Warning1: No action1: Warning
2: Second Warning2: Warning2: Second Warning / Account / Supervisor Review
3: Final Warning / 14 day suspension3: Account review / Supervisor check in3: Final warning / shift removal for 2 weeks
4: Removal from all Partner opportunities4: Final Warning / 5: Removal from all Partner opportunities4: Removal from all Partner opportunities

No Call No ShowNo Call No Show or Any Training Shift Cancellations
1: Account Review / Final Warning1: Warning
2: Automatic Removal from the network2: Final Warning / Account review
3: Removal from network
  • Tardies: Within a 30-day period
  • Early Cancellations: Less than 24 hours before start time
  • Late Cancellations: Less than 24 hours before start time

Please note that provider-initiated cancellations will reset automatically after 30 days. For instance, if you receive a warning for late cancellations within a month, we will reset your cancellation status internally after 30 days to ensure you are not further penalized.

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