Checking the status of your appointment
  • 11 Sep 2023
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Checking the status of your appointment

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Article summary

After we assign a provider to your appointment, you will be notified through both the Soothe app and email that your appointment has been confirmed.

If you request a same-day appointment, we will offer it to all available providers in your area based on your preferences. No need to worry about rebooking, as we will send you a confirmation notification through both the app and email once your appointment is confirmed with a provider.

It’s important to have your notifications turned on to receive real-time updates about your appointment status.

To enable notifications, visit here for further information.

To Check the status of your appointment, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Soothe Mobile app.
  2. Select the Bookings tab located at the bottom Homescreen menu.
  3. Under the Upcoming section, select your appointment.
  4. From here, you may view your assigned provider and contact them via the Inbox or View their profile.
  5. If a provider is still pending for your request, you will have the option to reschedule or cancel your request. You may also leave the appointment as initially scheduled to allow us more time to confirm a provider.

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